Monday, November 19, 2012

Coming Soon!

Things have been quiet here lately... but I have been a busy bee getting something special together!

This pattern is something I have been wanting to make for a very, very long time.  I have learned so many tips and tricks over my past years of making Waldorf Dolls and I have finally figured out a way to translate that into making a simplified version of my new rag dolls.  The e-book is 36 pages long and full of color photos, I walk you though each and every step of making a doll, including a lovely sewn on wig.  My hope is that you will feel almost like I am sitting next to you, helping you along the way!  

The testing phase of the pattern has been a blast... here are a couple of pics:

I love that the mamas that tested the pattern were not able to make just one doll... they each had to make two!  The dolls are pretty simple to make, it takes around 4 hours for someone with intermediate skills.  The steps on their own are easy enough, but there are a bunch of them (36 pages worth!) so some sewing experience is advisable but not required.  

I am stocking my shop with pieces of doll skin in 3 different colors, pre cut to the right size for the e-book.  I am also going to be stocking a variety of yarns... high quality but value priced... to help you get started!  

The pattern will be available soon in my Etsy Shop, please stay tuned!   

UPDATE:  The Pattern is in my  SHOP!  
Please click on the link or the tab above :))


  1. Ohh I can't wait for the pattern. I have been wondering who to stalk waiting for the release since I saw Olivia's pics. Do you think they will be ready in time to sew up for Christmas? Or I will buy a earlier release ;) let me know.

  2. Nevermind just saw where to buy it awesome going in my cart now!! YAY!

    1. Glad you found it! Just emailed you the pattern. I hope you have lots of fun making your doll, please share pics when you are done!! xo
